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Gillespie Monument - Comber Square

Situated in The Square in Comber, it was erected in 1845 to commemorate the bravery of Major General Robert 'Rollo' Gillespie born in the town in 1766. A list of his battles can be found on the sides of the pillar. Whilst leading an attack on a fort, high in the Himalayas, Gillespie went on despite having no ammunition shouting "one more shot for the honour of Down".

Text on tablet on West Face of the Pillar and panel in front of this face of the pillar:


Major General and Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath

Born at Comber A.D. 1766

After a brief but glorious career fell in battle before the Fortress of Kalunga 24th October 1814

His last words were –


A monument in Meerut in the East marks the grave where his ashes rest

A statue in the Cathedral of Saint Paul in the City of London voted by both Houses of Parliament attests the gratitude of the Nation –

His own countrymen proud of the achievement which has shed lustre upon his native land, with a few of his old companions in arms have raised this column within that county which claimed his latest remembrance to perpetuate his memory at the place of his birth

Gillespie Monument

Text on Tablet on East Face of the Pillar:

This tablet

having remained blank since the erection of the monument seems fitting to the Masonic body and townsmen of Comber, recorded on it that the brilliant reputation of Sir Rollo was most worthily maintained by his grandson –

Major General Robert Rollo Gillespie C.B.

Who for over forty years served his country with the same bravery and fidelity as his illustrious ancestor, and won distinction at the following places

Reshire, Bushire, Koosab, Kolapore, El Magfar, Tel-El-Mahuta, Kassassin, Tel-El-Kebir, Bikanir.

He died on the 17th Nov 1890, in command of the Mhow Division of the Bombay Army.

July 5th 1893      John Frazer, County Surveyor, and William Walker, Architect } Inspectors

Gillespie Monument East Face of Pillar

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