Deadline Approaching for Arts Residency Bursaries 2023/24

As the deadline approaches for the Arts Residency Bursaries, we hear from some of the 2022 recipients on their experiences of their time during their residencies to the Tyrone Guthrie Centre, and Ballinglen Arts Foundation.
Speaking of his residency at Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Annaghmakerrig, in 2022, visual artist Craig Jefferson says;
"The space and time I had on the residency was brilliant for reflection and concentration. I probably had six finished small paintings as a result of this residency plus many drawings and studies. It would take me a month to make that amount of work in usual circumstances.
The finished work will be shown in upcoming exhibitions in Edinburgh and London."
Sara Brown, a visual artist based in Portaferry, had this to say about her 2 week residency at Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Co Mayo;
"The residency at Ballinglen gave me a chance to reinvent, and provided an opportunity to feel free to experiment and move away from the usual confines of my normal practice.
I found that a concentrated and disciplined period of time to work solely on my art practice helped to produce a large body of work which will provide a link to new directions."
Visual Artist Tim Millen reiterated the value of focused time for artists when speaking of his residency to the Tyrone Guthrie Centre;
“I loved my time at Annaghmakerrig. The opportunity to go on a residency is such a valuable and generous gift to artists. To be able to take some time-out, for even a short period and focus completely on your work is a rare opportunity and hugely productive.
During my week there, I was able to develop new ideas through drawings and mono-prints which I know my work will be feeding off for many months to come. I also started a large painting there called ‘Spring Summer’ which is currently on show in ‘New Exits: 10 Years of Painting Shows’ at The MAC, Belfast.
Thanks again to the staff at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre and to Ards and North Down Council for this opportunity.”
Enjoy the selection of photos below of work created by Jefferson, Brown, and Millen during their residencies.
The deadline is approaching for artists and makers to apply to the Ards and North Down Arts Residency Bursaries.
For more information, and to apply online, CLICK HERE
DEADLINE: Friday 10 February 2023, at 11:59pm (sharp)
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