Access and Inclusion Fund for 2023/2024 Now Open
The Access and Inclusion Fund aims to improve accessibility for people with disabilities and increase their participation in arts and cultural activities and outdoor recreation.
We are administering capital grants up to £30,000 to eligible cultural organisations in Ards and North Down. To apply, projects must be new, stand alone and must be completed by 31 March 2024. Organisations are required to have 10% match-funding.
Closing date for grant applications is 12 noon on Wednesday 13 September 2023
Programme Objectives
The key objectives of the Department for Communities’ Access and Inclusion Programme are to:
- Improve access to arts, culture and active recreation venues across NI for people with disabilities;
- Make arts, cultural and active recreation venues more inclusive across society; and
- Increase participation in arts, culture and active recreation activities by people with disabilities.
To ask for an application form and guidance notes on eligible projects, contact us by email:
Access and Inclusion Fund is available through the Department for Communities' Access and Inclusion Programme
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