Little Miss Muffet's Christmas Adventure, presented by Centre Stage Theatre Company, is a hilarious Christmas Tale, with catchy songs and simple effects!
Miss Muffet’s Tuffet is Magic! Every Christmas Day it makes a dream come true... and Ditzi Devilola the Dim Witch wants it!
Poor Miss Muffet is in great distress when it is stolen - but don't worry, help is at hand from Jack and Jill, a handsome Prince and a very surprising ally!
Will Ditzi get away with the Magic Tuffet, or can the friends from Nursery Land stop them in time for Christmas?
but then...
there is always...
that spider!!!
Few nursery rhymes can have more instantly recognisable lines than Little Miss Muffet and " Along came a spider…' Guaranteed to have hordes of children shrieking their delight at these heart-stopping words!
The eternal appeal of this classic nursery rhyme makes this a golden opportunity to present this production from the North’s première producer of Christmas plays, with their usual values of clean family entertainment, funny and immediate scripts, simple effects, live original music, memorable tunes and strong performances. With loads of audience participation, Little Miss Muffet’s Christmas Adventure is in the very best traditions of Christmas Entertainment.
Centre Stage Theatre Company are one of Northern Ireland's premier touring companies and bring you this hilarious Christmas Tale, with catchy songs and simple effects!
Suitable for families of all ages.
Terms and conditions
- Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable, so please check all details carefully when booking.
- Please be advised that under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.
Getting to Little Miss Muffet's Christmas Adventure
54.59496537736, -5.6994065040324
Queen’s Hall, Newtownards
West Street
BT23 4EN
United Kingdom
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