This group exhibition, curated by visual artist Meadhbh McIlgorm, will bring a selection of artworks and event documentation from two temporary, outdoor ‘alleyway exhibitions’ which took place in Belfast within the past year.
Within the past year artist Meadhbh McIlgorm has programmed two temporary, ‘alleyway exhibitions’ in Belfast. The city’s alleys are ‘liminal’, transitional sites - their ownership and function is often unclear but they hold much potential for development.
The exhibition concept was piloted with 'Liminal [Space] Belfast' in October 2020, supported via the Arts Council Northern Ireland's 'Artist's Emergency Grant'. The project then grew in partnership with research team 9ft in Common and the Imagine Festival of Ideas and Politics to present ‘Limin-Alley’ as part of the festival in March 2021.
This group exhibition in Ards Arts Centre, will bring a selection of artworks and event documentation from both exhibitions back into a traditional gallery setting. It will provide a space to reflect on the project's development and review emerging themes.
- 9ft in Common (Aisling Rusk, Amberlea Neely);
- Aaron Dickson
- Anna Donovan
- Cathy Scullion
- Charys Wilson
- Dónall Billings
- Joe Laverty
- Jonathan Brennan
- Laura Nelson
- Meadhbh McIlgorm
- Neal Campbell
- Patrick Colhun
- Pauline Clancy
- Raquel Amat Parra
- Susan Hughes
Event Photography from Simon Mills and Neal Campbell
Image credit: Neal Campbell
Further info
7 weeks
Free admission
Getting to Liminal...[in Review]
54.593677235929, -5.6960890554259
Ards Arts Centre
Town Hall
Conway Square
BT23 4NP
United Kingdom
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